About Us

The Ohio Strategic Training Center was created with a tremendous mission:
To assist our clients in achieving their most ambitious goals by providing creative, results-oriented training and customized business solutions.

We are uniquely equipped to accomplish this mission, thanks to the talented and visionary leadership of our board of directors and the Lawrence Economic Development Corporation (LEDC).

The LEDC provides oversight, financing operations, as well as being a true partner to enhance successful operations. LEDC appointed the initial board and will serve as needed to assist the OSTC until operation is in full scale.

The Board of Directors is comprised of business and education leaders, each of whom bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the governance of the OSTC.

About Our Executive Director - Dr. Scott Howard

As the first Executive Director of the Ohio Strategic Training Center, Dr. Howard provides leadership and direction to the OSTC. His career path spans thirty plus years and includes leadership positions and consulting roles in higher education, public school administration, not-for-profit organizations and the private sector. In addition, he holds adjunct faculty status at a major university in Ohio where he teaches on a regular basis. He has presented at numerous state and national conferences on topics including leadership development, organizational culture, and planning. His experience as a trainer includes facilitating strategic plans, delivering training programs on leadership development, and administering and providing feedback on management and leadership assessments instruments. While serving as Assistant Manager of Value Added Assessment Services at the SAS Institute, he led marketing and training initiatives for a newly created division of the company. His publications include several articles, a chapter in a book, and a training manual on employee evaluation.


Action Coach logo
David Beam, Action Coach
p: 740-574-4299
e: davidbeam@actioncoach.com
w: www.actioncoach.com
David Beam provides one-on-one coaching, seminars, workshops to help business owners and managers achieve greater success. more
Health and Safety Sciences
Jonathan Pennington, principal consultant
Health & Safety Sciences is a provider of the best and most comprehensive health and safety training in the area. Learn more
Lawrence County Ohio
Viviane Khounlavong-Vallance
Associate Executive Director
p: 800-408-1334
e: viviane@ledcorp.org
w: www.lawrencecountyohio.org/ledc
The Lawrence Economic Development Corporation has been helping to enhance the lives of Lawrence County citizens... more
Ohio University
Ohio University Southern is a regional campus of Ohio University. Students can earn an Ohio University Associate, Bachelor's and Master's degree... more
Southern State Community College Logo
John Joy, Dean, Workforce Development & Community Services
937 382-6645, ext. 4555
m: 937 725-7723
w: www.sscc.edu
Southern State offers a variety of technical and transfer programs that emphasize real-world-skills. more
Have questions? Contact us at 1-614-323-8588.