Course Descriptions

OSHA Construction 10 Hour Course

Start Date:
October 21, 2013
Price: $100.00

This training program is intended to provide entry level construction workers information about their rights, employer responsibilities, and how to file a complaint as well as how to identify, abate, avoid and prevent job related hazards on a construction site. The training covers a variety of construction safety and health hazards which a worker may encounter at a construction site. Training should emphasize hazard identification, avoidance, control and prevention, not OSHA standards. Instructional time must be a minimum of 10 hours. The minimum topic requirements are as follows:

Mandatory – 7 hours

Introduction to OSHA – 2 hours.

  • OSHA has required training content for this module.
  • Covers workers’ rights, employer responsibilities and how to file a complaint. It includes helpful worker safety and health resources. It also provides a sample weekly fatality and catastrophe report, a material data safety sheet and the OSHA Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (OSHA Form 300).
  • Materials include an Instructor Guide, PowerPoint slides, student handouts, and participatory activities.
OSHA Focus Four Hazards – 4 hours

Because most construction fatalities are caused by fall hazards, falls must be covered for a minimum of one hour and 15 minutes. The other Focus Four Hazards must be covered for a minimum of one-half hour each.

  • Falls (minimum 1 hour and 15 minutes)
  • Electrocution
  • Struck-By (e.g., falling objects, trucks, cranes)
  • Caught-In or Between (e.g., trench hazards, equipment)

Personal Protective and Lifesaving Equipment – 30 minutes.


Health Hazards in Construction – 30 minutes.

May teach noise, hazard communication, and crystalline silica or any other construction healthhazard.

Elective – 2 hours.

Must present at least two hours of training on the following topics. At least two topics must be presented. The minimum length of any topic is one-half hour.

  • Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Elevators & Conveyors
  • Excavations
  • Materials Handling, Storage, Use and Disposal
  • Scaffolds
  • Stairways and Ladders
  • Tools – Hand and Power
Ohio Strategic Training Center
216 Collins Avenue
South Point, OH

Have questions? Contact us at 1-614-323-8588.